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Seeking to know Christ and to make Him known

BLOG (Page 7)

Does the Bible lead us to expect that Christians will be able to transform society?

It’s not uncommon to hear folks in the United States crying about the moral state of our society. It’s also not uncommon to hear blame being cast on ‘the church’ for our social ills. The ‘church’ isn’t doing its job. If churches were teaching xxxxx, or not teaching xxxxx. If churches were doing their job, the country would be better than it…

Is Your Church Christian or Christianish?

By Tim Challies Three little letters make a world of difference. Together i, s, and h distinguish Christian from Christianish and mark the difference between right and wrong, life and death, heaven and hell. There is nothing better for your spiritual wellbeing than to be in a Christian church. There is nothing worse for your spiritual wellbeing than to be in a Christianish…

Why We Sing What We Sing ~ Excerpted from an essay at

Christians are a singing people. Muslims don’t gather to sing. Neither do Hindus, Buddhists, or Rastafarians. Christians do. Also, while not everyone preaches, or leads in prayer, or publicly reads Scripture, we all sing. But what can we say about the nature of a corporate Christian song? What should it be like? Can we sing any kind of song when gathered together?…

How Much Should I Give To My Church?

Last month I gave us six reasons from the Bible why we should be giving to our local church (click here to read that essay). This month, I want to address how much we should be giving. I’m guessing a good number have been taught to give ‘tithes and offerings.’ A ‘tithe’ is considered 10% of one’s income (some churches insist it’s…

Nikolas Cruz and the Unmasking of Sin and Evil – by Tom Ascol

At 2:23PM on February 14, 2018, the first 911 call reported an active shooter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The suspect was quickly identified as 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz and a little over an hour later law enforcement officers had him detained. His bloody massacre left 17 students and staff dead and fifteen wounded, receiving treatment in area hospitals.…

Giving Up Lent

Here are five reasons why I don’t think we should participate in Lent. I’ve published this several times but since we have new folks attending and members, I thought it might be of benefit. In response to a previous posting one reader accused me of being against Roman Catholics. I trust those who read this will see I’m for the truth that…