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Seeking to know Christ and to make Him known

BLOG (Page 4)

Singing the Psalms

In our Summer in the Psalms sermon series, we have found some helps. Authors of our day have taken the words of the psalms and put them in poetic form we can sing to familiar hymn tunes. Below are the lyrics to Psalm 2 and Psalm 3. I’d encourage you to keep them by your Bible and sing them on occasion.   –…

Speaking The Truth In Love

Why we should not tell sinners God loves them unconditionally By Pastor Tedd Mathis Why This Came Up Recently, I preached a sermon about the teaching of Balaam and the Nicolaitans that Christ confronts in the church at Pergamum (Rev. 2:12-17). This teaching that led professing Christians to eat meat offered to idols and to commit acts of immorality was not a…

Feel Free To Give Up On Lent

Dear church family: Here are five reasons why we have no need to participate in Lent. I’ve published this before several times, but was recently reminded by another Baptist pastor when Lent starts assuming me and our church should be participating in order to  “remember the Lord Jesus Christ and His walk to the cross and His walk out of the tomb!! The Lord gave me a thought to help me understand Lent better,…

The Pain of Fatherlessness

By Virgil L. Walker My first football season was in 8th grade at Skelly Middle School. I wasn’t very good. I was smaller than most of the players, but if we were winning in the fourth quarter, the coach would say, “Walker, you’re up!” and put me in the game for the final three plays. I played safety primarily, because it didn’t…

Revelation-Driven Life

By Pastor Tom Ascol God wins. If I had to summarize the message of Revelation in just two words, those would be my choice. They not only convey the point of the book but also hint at its main storyline. Despite what some overly speculative interpreters would have us believe, the main character in the last book of the Bible is not…

45 Reasons Why You Have A House

I wrote this back in 2016. While it contains a dose of attempted humor and practical     observations, it is rooted in the expectation Christ’s people will be hospitable. And practicing hospitality invariably includes the use of our house. Our preaching series from I Peter brings up hospitality. “Be hospitable to one another without complaint” – I Peter 4:9. Throughout the book…