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Seeking to know Christ and to make Him known

BLOG (Page 11)

Sayings Christians Ought to Bury by Eric Davis

Every movement and organization has their sayings. They can be helpful when they are accurate and memorable. But they can also be destructive when they are inaccurate and memorable. Such sayings float around a bit in Christendom. Thus, it behooves us to evaluate things we say against Scripture so that we accurately represent the faith. Oftentimes newer or mis-shepherded Christians will latch…

American Christians, You Might Need to Start Living Like Missionaries – By Amy Medina

“I’m moving to Canada.” Personally, Canada would be way too cold for me, but I get the sentiment.  However, instead of fleeing for the hills, maybe it’s time for American Christians to start living like missionaries in their own country. Before you get offended, let me assure you that I am in no way belittling the millions of American Christians who are…

Why These 66 Books? (Part 1) By Nathan Busenitz

Have you ever looked at your Bible and wondered, “How do we know that these 66 books, and no others, comprise the inspired Word of God?” That is a critically important question, since there are many today who would deny that these 66 books truly make up the complete canon of Scripture. The Roman Catholic Church, for example, claims that the Apocryphal books which were written during the inter-testamental period (between the Old…

Love & the Hurt-Feelings Bookkeeper by Eric Davis

(Article Source: Insurance companies amaze me sometimes. Something like one little speeding ticket or a minor fender-bender, and everything changes. Your monthly payment sky-rockets. They no longer trust you. Simply for doing the human thing of making a mistake, you henceforth are placed on insurance detention. They not only record the minor mishap, but your previously good relationship with them goes sour…

5 Truths We’re Keeping from Our Youth Groups by Jordan Standridge

Article Source: When I do campus evangelism, I often start the conversation this way: “What are two reasons you stopped going to church?” I’ve asked hundreds of students that question, and the most common responses make me think that church youth groups have failed dramatically. I understand that every human being is responsible for their own sin, and that even the best of youth groups…

“Daughters of the King Don’t Take Personality Tests” by Jessica Pickowicz

{ ARTICLE SOURCE: } Scrolling through my Facebook news feed this week I must have come across at least half a dozen personality tests all calling to me — all begging me to answer their questions so each one could tell me who I really am. Am I an introvert or an extrovert? Am I emotional or intellectual? Am I an Anna…

On Voting – part one in a series – by Pastor Tedd

Doing What We Do Know “Every four years, Americans reveal that they are looking for a savior king.” – Robert Rothwell I recently received an e-mail from a believer asking for insight about how to think about the presidential election. I’ve received permission from the person who contacted me to share their question. Here was the essence of their question: I know…

“I Feel, I Think, I Believe” by Tim Challies

(ARTICLE SOURCE: Have you noticed how everyone today seems to tell us what and how they feel? “I feel like we should pray about that before we do it.” “I feel like Hillary Clinton would make a terrible (or wonderful) president.” “I feel like that’s an unfair statement.” I could be wrong here, but aren’t these “I feel” statements more common than they used to be? It may…