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Posts by PW Baptist Church (Page 4)

Revelation-Driven Life

By Pastor Tom Ascol God wins. If I had to summarize the message of Revelation in just two words, those would be my choice. They not only convey the point of the book but also hint at its main storyline. Despite what some overly speculative interpreters would have us believe, the main character in the last book of the Bible is not…

45 Reasons Why You Have A House

I wrote this back in 2016. While it contains a dose of attempted humor and practical     observations, it is rooted in the expectation Christ’s people will be hospitable. And practicing hospitality invariably includes the use of our house. Our preaching series from I Peter brings up hospitality. “Be hospitable to one another without complaint” – I Peter 4:9. Throughout the book…

Voting as Though Not

“One of these years I’ll get to vote in an election that won’t be the most important of my lifetime.” – Anonymous Adapted from an essay written in 2016 As we approach voting for a president this fall, consider the long and short of things. Look at what Paul tells people about marriage in I Cor. 7:29-31: But this I say, brethren, the…

Why you would be sinning if you vote for a Democratic candidate in 2020

By Pastor Tedd Mathis Let me begin by addressing the common idea, “You can’t legislate morality.” Here’s the truth: Not only is morality supposed to be legislated, it always is. The issue is whose morality. According to the Bible, there are three permanent institutions God has ordained to uphold or establish laws and apply them to others. The home: Parents are to…