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Posts by PW Baptist Church (Page 3)

Should My Child Be Baptized?  

“If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.” – Jesus the Christ (Matthew 16:24) By Pastor Tedd Mathis This is part one of at least a two-part essay to help parents think through when or if their child should be baptized. Future installments will be compiled with this in booklet form…

What About Lent?  

Pastor Tedd Mathis Since we have a number of new attendees and members here at Pueblo West Baptist, I thought I would address the season of Lent. For nine years our church joyfully participates in a Good Friday Service with two other churches. And on occasion our church has had an Easter cantata. But we do not practice a season of Lent.…

Four Words That Changed the World

By Chip Thornton William Tyndale was taken to a high platform in public view. Bishops flanked him, robed in their priestly vestments. Anointing oil, symbolically, was scraped from his hands. The Lord’s Supper was placed before him and then quickly removed, tauntingly. Tyndale was wearing priestly vestments. They were stripped away from his body. Finally, he was handed over to the hangman.…

Singing the Psalms

In our Summer in the Psalms sermon series, we have found some helps. Authors of our day have taken the words of the psalms and put them in poetic form we can sing to familiar hymn tunes. Below are the lyrics to Psalm 2 and Psalm 3. I’d encourage you to keep them by your Bible and sing them on occasion.   –…