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Seeking to know Christ and to make Him known

Thinking Biblically About Manhood, Womanhood and Marriage

Logo_PastorTeddBlog2The conclusion, when all has been heard, is:
fear God and keep His commandments,
because this applies to every person.
For God will bring every act to judgment,
everything which is hidden,
whether it is good or evil.
– Ecclesiastes 12:13,14

Dear Church Family:

A recent e-mail exchange with a friend regarding their living choices reminded me how easy it is to get drawn into arguments which aren’t winnable, and discussions of which the Bible is clear aren’t open for discussion. I spent hours on my response only to send a brief note referring them to the timeless truths of the Word.

Which leads me to what we are planning beginning Wednesday, February 12. At 6:30 each Wednesday for the next few months there will be a teaching series entitled, From The Beginning: Thinking Biblically About Manhood, Womanhood and Marriage.

The subject is never out of date and I trust I will present it for what it is, timeless truth (I Thess. 2:13). Yet, we live in a media-saturated era and are being drowned in quips and quotes, images and essays, tweets and tunes, jokes and jingles – all used for an agenda that ignores and defies the unchanging Biblical standard.

And so I am asking you to join me for this series. Each session will last 35-45 minutes and then we’ll spend time in prayer. We are trying to organize some form of childcare, so let me know if you need that, or are willing to help so that parents could be present. Below are some of the questions I hope to address.

+ What does it mean to be created in the image of God as male and female and what were His purposes for our sexuality? Gen. 1-2

+ What is the significance of the male being created first? What is ‘headship’? Gen. 2; Eph. 5, etc.

+ What does ‘helpmate suitable for him’ mean and/or imply (Gen. 2)? How are we to understand ‘submission/being subject’ (Eph. 5)?

+ How has Adam’s rebellion affected our understanding of maleness and femaleness and the purpose of our sexuality? Gen. 3-6; etc.

+ Is there a Biblical standard or example for marriage? – Eph. 5

+ What is the role of the local church in encouraging biblical manhood and womanhood? Titus 1,2; I Cor. 5, etc.

+ Singleness – Consider the benefits of undistracted devotion to the Lord – I Cor. 7

For the glory of Christ and our joy,

Pastor Tedd


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