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Posts from February 2016

On Voting – part one in a series – by Pastor Tedd

Doing What We Do Know “Every four years, Americans reveal that they are looking for a savior king.” – Robert Rothwell I recently received an e-mail from a believer asking for insight about how to think about the presidential election. I’ve received permission from the person who contacted me to share their question. Here was the essence of their question: I know…

“I Feel, I Think, I Believe” by Tim Challies

(ARTICLE SOURCE: Have you noticed how everyone today seems to tell us what and how they feel? “I feel like we should pray about that before we do it.” “I feel like Hillary Clinton would make a terrible (or wonderful) president.” “I feel like that’s an unfair statement.” I could be wrong here, but aren’t these “I feel” statements more common than they used to be? It may…

“The Normal Battle With Bitterness” by Eric Davis

(ARTICLE SOURCE: It’s inevitable. People are going to hurt us. Even those close to you. In fact, perhaps especially those close to you. With every hurt, there is the potential to wake the bitterness monster. He’s a light sleeper. And he’s more clever than we think. Even a small relationship scuffle is enough to arouse him into action. We mustn’t underestimate him. Bitterness:…